Large Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Know You

Celebrer Dieu. Cultiver La Foi. Vivre L'evangile De Paix.


Our goal is to leave a lasting mark on the world so that the impact of our lives will continue to have a positive effect on others. Have a positive affect on everyone you make contact with.


When God breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of Adam & Eve the act of giving human life was the culmination of a larger scope of work.


The best way to show love is to serve. Setting asides our personal agendas, we are committed to serving the community and spreading the gospel.


1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

Pastor Farnese Vallon

Passionate about Jesus.

Our main objective is to proclaim the Three Angels' Message to the perishing world that people can surrender to Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are experiencing everyday how prayer can help us build a relationship with God and maintain a strong Christian life.

Guiding people into a relationship with Jesus Christ

Leading by spiritual example.

Ministering to the community

Training, equipping and empowering leadership

parallax background

Making disciples of Christ by guiding the people into a loving relationship with Christ, baptizing them into God's church, and teaching and equipping all for service.